- カッコを [] → () に変更
- 全部表示させるのを「Show All」→「すべて表示」に変更
Calendar 0.81aをさらに改造。変更点は下記。
- 曜日ラベルのクラスおよび日付のクラスを、sun、mon、…、satと英名の先頭3文字に。
- カレンダ内の日付のないセルのクラスをblankに。
- 今日の日付はクラス名がtodayのdivで囲む。
<?php /** * This plugin can be used to insert a calendar on your page * * History: * v0.2: initial plugin * v0.21: added doTemplateVar * v0.5: - moved table summary to constructor * - date headers now created according to locale * v0.51: fixed: calender was not limited to blog * v0.6: using options now instead of instance variables to keep options * v0.7: dates with future/draft posts are no longer linked * v0.71: last table cell was missing * v0.72: links to previous/next month added (by Roel) * Fixed: "Passing locale category name as string is deprecated" by removing two quotes ;-) * v0.73: jhoover fixed the bug that appeared in the monthly archives * (showing December 1999 everywhere) when using Fancy URL's * v0.75: short_open_tags: <? -> <?php (karma) * v0.76: use sql_table, add supportsFeature, add today highlight, merged w/ XE * v0.77: added option to change prev/next month link label * added option to change day label * added option to start week on Sun (integrated changes from Hop) * v0.78: added straight calendar mode (no links) * v0.78a: merged gRegor's category change * v0.79: fixed typo * v0.79a: disabled prev/next month link if SC mode is enabled * v0.80: fixed today highlight bug * v0.81: included hcgtv's improvement * v0.81a: typo * * For today highlight added this in default.css * table.calendar td.today { background-color: green;} * * Some example of customing the calendar * table.calendar { * font-size: small; * color: black; * } * tr.calendardateheaders { * font-size: small; * color: red; * } * td.days { * text-align: center; * } * td.today { * text-align: center; * color: green; * background-color: whitesmoke; * } */ if (!function_exists('sql_table')) { function sql_table($name) { return 'nucleus_' . $name; } } class NP_Calendar extends NucleusPlugin { /** * Plugin data to be shown on the plugin list */ function getName() { return 'Calendar Plugin'; } function getAuthor() { return 'karma / roel / jhoover / admun / hcgtv'; } function getURL() { return 'http://nucleuscms.org/'; } function getVersion() { return '0.81'; } function getDescription() { return 'This plugin can be called from within skins to insert a calender on your site, by using <%Calendar%>.'; } function supportsFeature($feature) { switch($feature) { case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; } } /** * On plugin install, three options are created */ function install() { // create some options $this->createOption('Locale','Language (locale) to use','text','ja_JP'); $this->createOption('LinkAll','Create links for all days (even those that do not have posts?)','yesno','no'); $this->createOption('JustCal','Display a calendar with no link? (override create links for all days above)','yesno','no'); $this->createOption('Summary','Summary text for the calendar table','text','Monthly calendar with links to each day¥'s posts'); $this->createOption('prevm','Label for previous month','text','<'); $this->createOption('nextm','Label for next month','text','>'); $this->createOption('mon','Label for Monday','text','Mon'); $this->createOption('tue','Label for Tuesday','text','Tue'); $this->createOption('wed','Label for Wednesday','text','Wed'); $this->createOption('thu','Label for Thursday','text','Thu'); $this->createOption('fri','Label for Friday','text','Fri'); $this->createOption('sat','Label for Saturday','text','Sat'); $this->createOption('sun','Label for Sunday','text','Sun'); $this->createOption('startsun','Should week start in Sunday?','yesno','no'); } /** * skinvar parameters: * - blogname (optional) */ function doSkinVar($skinType, $view = 'all', $blogName = '') { global $manager, $blog, $CONF, $archive; /* find out which blog to use: 1. try the blog chosen in skinvar parameter 2. try to use the currently selected blog 3. use the default blog */ if ($blogName) { $b =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromName($params[2])); } else if ($blog) { $b =& $blog; } else { $b =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']); } /* select which month to show - for archives: use that month - otherwise: use current month */ switch($skinType) { case 'archive': sscanf($archive,'%d-%d-%d',$y,$m,$d); $time = mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y); break; default: $time = $b->getCorrectTime(time()); } /* Set $category if $view = 'limited' This means only items from the specified category will be displayed in the calendar. Defaults to show all categories in calendar. */ $category = ($view == 'limited') ? $blog->getSelectedCategory() : 0; $this->_drawCalendar($time, $b, $this->getOption('LinkAll'), $category); } /** * This function draws the actual calendar as a table */ function _drawCalendar($timestamp, &$blog, $linkall, $category) { $blogid = $blog->getID(); // set correct locale setlocale(LC_TIME,$this->getOption('Locale')); // get year/month etc $date = getDate($timestamp); $month = $date['mon']; $year = $date['year']; // get previous year-month $last_month = $month - 1; $last_year = $year; if (!checkdate($last_month, 1, $last_year)) { $last_month += 12; $last_year --; } if ($last_month < 10) { $last_month = "0".$last_month; } else { $last_month >= 10; $last_month = $last_month; } // get the next year-month $next_month = $month + 1; $next_year = $year; if (!checkdate($next_month, 1, $next_year)) { $next_year++; $next_month -= 12; } if ($next_month < 10) { $next_month = "0".$next_month; } else { $next_month >= 10; $next_month = $next_month; } $nolink = $this->getOption('JustCal'); // find out for which days we have posts if ($linkall == 'no' && $nolink == 'no' ) { $days = array(); $timeNow = $blog->getCorrectTime(); if ($category != 0) { $res = sql_query('SELECT DAYOFMONTH(itime) as day FROM '.sql_table('item').' WHERE icat='.$category.' and MONTH(itime)='.$month.' and YEAR(itime)='.$year .' and iblog=' . $blogid . ' and idraft=0 and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime)<'.$timeNow.' GROUP BY day'); } else { $res = sql_query('SELECT DAYOFMONTH(itime) as day FROM '.sql_table('item').' WHERE MONTH(itime)='.$month.' and YEAR(itime)='.$year .' and iblog=' . $blogid . ' and idraft=0 and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime)<'.$timeNow.' GROUP BY day'); } while ($o = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $days[$o->day] = 1; } } $prev = $this->getOption('prevm'); $next = $this->getOption('nextm'); // draw header if ($nolink == "yes") { ?> <!-- kalendar start --> <table class="calendar" summary="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->getOption('Summary'))?>"> <caption> <?php echo strftime('%Y-%m',$timestamp); ?></a> </caption> <tr class="calendardateheaders"> <?php } else { ?> <!-- kalendar start --> <table class="calendar" summary="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->getOption('Summary'))?>"> <caption> <a href="<?php echo createArchiveLink($blogid,$last_year.'-'.$last_month)?>"> <?php echo $prev; ?></a> <a href="<?php echo createArchiveLink($blogid, strftime('%Y-%m',$timestamp))?>"> <?php echo strftime('%Y-%m',$timestamp)?></a> <a href="<?php echo createArchiveLink($blogid,$next_year.'-'.$next_month)?>"><?php echo $next?></a> </caption> <tr class="calendardateheaders"> <?php } $startsun = $this->getOption('startsun'); // output localized weekday-abbreviations as column headers if ($startsun == 'yes') { $weekdayclass = array('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'); } else { $weekdayclass = array('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'); } foreach($weekdayclass as $class) { $weekday = $this->getOption($class); echo '<th class="' . $class. '">' . $weekday . '</th>'; } ?> </tr> <tr> <?php // draw empty cells for all days before start $firstDay = getDate(mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); if ($startsun == 'yes') { $wday = 1; while ($wday <= $firstDay['wday']) { $wday++; echo '<td class="blank"> </td>'; } } else { if ($firstDay['wday'] == 0) $firstDay['wday'] = 7; $wday = 1; while ($wday < $firstDay['wday']) { $wday++; echo '<td class="blank"> </td>'; } } $mday = 1; $to_day = date("j"); $this_month = date("n"); while (checkdate($month, $mday, $year)) { echo '<td class="'.$weekdayclass[$wday-1].'">'; if ($mday == $to_day && $this_month == $month) echo '<div class="today">'; if (($linkall == 'yes' && $nolink== 'no') || $days[$mday]) echo '<a href="',createArchiveLink($blogid,$year.'-'.$month.'-'.$mday) ,'">' , $mday, '</a></div></td>'; else echo $mday,'</td>'; if ($mday == $to_day && $this_month == $month) echo '</div>'; $mday++; $wday++; if (($wday > 7) && (checkdate($month, $mday, $year))) { echo '</tr><tr>'; $wday = 1; } } while ($wday++ < 8) echo '<td class="blank"> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; // footer echo '</table>'; echo "¥n<!-- kalendar end -->¥n"; } } ?>
Web Artisanよりダウンロード。
Warning: _loadplugin(c:/apache/htdocs/nucleus/plugins/NP_TodoList.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in c:¥apache¥htdocs¥nucleus¥libs¥MANAGER.php on line 198 Warning: _loadplugin(): Failed opening 'c:/apache/htdocs/nucleus/plugins/NP_TodoList.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;c:¥php4¥pear') in c:¥apache¥htdocs¥nucleus¥libs¥MANAGER.php on line 198