


  • FreebSD 10.0-RELEASE
  • Windows 7 Professional SP3 64bit版


  1. pkgコマンドを使って難なくインストール。
    # pkg install git
    Updating repository catalogue
    digests.txz                         100% 1089KB 363.0KB/s 599.1KB/s   00:03
    packagesite.txz                     100% 5011KB 501.1KB/s 361.0KB/s   00:10
    Incremental update completed, 23318 packages processed:
    22795 packages updated, 114 removed and 454 added.
    The following 15 packages will be installed:
            Reinstalling perl5-5.16.3_11 (options changed)
            Installing p5-Digest-HMAC: 1.03
            Installing p5-Net-SSLeay: 1.63
            Installing p5-Socket: 2.014
            Installing p5-IO-Socket-IP: 0.29
            Installing p5-Error: 0.17022
            Installing ca_root_nss: 3.16
            Installing cvsps: 2.1_1
            Installing p5-MIME-Base64: 3.14
            Installing p5-GSSAPI: 0.28
            Installing p5-IO-Socket-SSL: 1.992
            Installing curl: 7.37.0
            Installing p5-Authen-SASL: 2.16
            Installing p5-Net-SMTP-SSL: 1.01_2
            Installing git: 2.0.0
    The installation will require 175 MB more space
    17 MB to be downloaded
    Proceed with installing packages [y/N]: y
    perl5-5.16.3_11.txz                 100%   12MB 482.1KB/s 345.2KB/s   00:26
    p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03.txz             100%   11KB  10.6KB/s  10.6KB/s   00:00
    p5-Net-SSLeay-1.63.txz              100%  225KB 225.1KB/s 225.1KB/s   00:01
    p5-Socket-2.014.txz                 100%   38KB  38.4KB/s  38.4KB/s   00:00
    p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.29.txz            100%   27KB  26.6KB/s  26.6KB/s   00:00
    p5-Error-0.17022.txz                100%   26KB  25.7KB/s  25.7KB/s   00:00
    ca_root_nss-3.16.txz                100%  301KB 301.1KB/s 301.1KB/s   00:01
    cvsps-2.1_1.txz                     100%   34KB  33.6KB/s  33.6KB/s   00:00
    p5-MIME-Base64-3.14.txz             100%   18KB  17.5KB/s  17.5KB/s   00:00
    p5-GSSAPI-0.28.txz                  100%   41KB  40.7KB/s  40.7KB/s   00:00
    p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.992.txz          100%  126KB 126.4KB/s 126.4KB/s   00:01
    curl-7.37.0.txz                     100% 1254KB 417.9KB/s 573.6KB/s   00:03
    p5-Authen-SASL-2.16.txz             100%   45KB  45.0KB/s  45.0KB/s   00:00
    p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.01_2.txz          100%   12KB  12.1KB/s  12.1KB/s   00:00
    git-2.0.0.txz                       100% 2865KB 477.5KB/s 555.1KB/s   00:06
    Checking integrity... done
    [1/15] Reinstalling perl5-5.16.3_11... done
    [2/15] Installing p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03... done
    [3/15] Installing p5-Net-SSLeay-1.63... done
    [4/15] Installing p5-Socket-2.014... done
    [5/15] Installing p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.29... done
    [6/15] Installing p5-Error-0.17022... done
    [7/15] Installing ca_root_nss-3.16... done
    [8/15] Installing cvsps-2.1_1... done
    [9/15] Installing p5-MIME-Base64-3.14... done
    [10/15] Installing p5-GSSAPI-0.28... done
    [11/15] Installing p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.992... done
    [12/15] Installing curl-7.37.0... done
    [13/15] Installing p5-Authen-SASL-2.16... done
    [14/15] Installing p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.01_2... done
    [15/15] Installing git-2.0.0...===> Creating users and/or groups.
    Creating group 'git_daemon' with gid '964'.
    Creating user 'git_daemon' with uid '964'.
    Updating /etc/shells
    *************************** GITWEB *************************************
    If you installed the GITWEB option please follow these instructions:
    In the directory /usr/local/share/examples/git/gitweb you can find all files to
    make gitweb work as a public repository on the web.
    All you have to do to make gitweb work is:
    1) Copy the files /usr/local/share/examples/git/gitweb/* to a directory on
       your web server (e.g. Apache2) in which you are able to execute
    2) In gitweb.cgi, adjust the variable $projectroot to point to
       your git repository (that is where you have your *.git project
    *************************** GITWEB *************************************
    *************************** CONTRIB ************************************
    If you installed the CONTRIB option please note that the scripts are
    installed in /usr/local/share/git-core/contrib. Some of them require
    other ports to be installed (perl, python, etc), which you may need to
    install manually.
    *************************** CONTRIB ************************************



  1. Git for Windows ( からインストーラをダウンロードし、実行してインストール。TortoiseGitはGUIなラッパーなので、これがインストールされていないと使えない。
  2. TortoiseGit ( のダウンロードページから、「for 64bit OS」のパッケージと「Japanese」の64bit用をダウンロード。
  3. 「for 64bit OS」でダウンロードしたパッケージを実行し、指示に従ってインストール。途中でPuTTYのPlinkを使うか、OpenSSLを使うか尋ねられるが、後で変更できるので気にせずデフォルトのまま先に進む。
  4. 「Japanese」でダウンロードしたLanguagePackを実行し、指示に従ってインストール。